
Vitalagen by H4W Protein Powder w/MCT UNFLAVORED

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $39.99.

(3 customer reviews)

H4W Vitalagen by Health4Wealth is an all natural unflavored collagen protein peptide with MCT giving additional benefits for energy/boost in metabolism, helps to process fats more effectively throughout your body aiding in weight loss. H4W Vitalagen improves gut health, joint support, supports bone loss, muscle mass, aiding in weight loss while giving you radiant, luscious and healthy hair, skin and nails.

In stock (can be backordered)

Category: SKU: collagen-protein-powder


H4W  Vitalagen unflavored collagen with MCT is Peptide Protein giving benefits of improved gut health, joint support, weight loss, muscle repair/growth, supports bone loss, radiant skin, hair and nails. In addition H4W Vitalagen includes MCT a medium chain triglyceride which is all natural and derives from coconut having several benefits. This product is soy free, gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, Non-GMO, Keto and Paleo Friendly.

MCT benefits in addition to the collagen

Weight loss – increasing two different hormones to promote the satisfied or full feeling. (Peptide YY and Leptin)  helps to burn calories

Fuels your brain – This medium chain has a shorter length to process through from your gut to liver without needing bile to breakdown using this as an immediate source of energy.

Reduces lactic acid build up

A natural antimicrobial to control yeast and bacteria in the body

Reduces risk of heart disease from weight and cholesterol may help to control high blood sugar levels.

Collagen is found in all of our connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and bones with its purpose being to provide these body parts with their strength, structure and elasticity. As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at naturally producing collagen, which is why we recommend introducing ingestible collagen to your diet.



Additional information

Weight 8.4 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4.5 in

3 reviews for Vitalagen by H4W Protein Powder w/MCT UNFLAVORED

  1. Richard (Scottsdale)

    Amazed at my results only 1/2 way into the first container and ready to order more! This product stands out from others I have tried.

    • Patria

      Thank you for your positive review and for supporting H4W collagen protein w/MCT. You are noticing a difference 1/2 way through just wait until you have your second and third order. We hope to see you as a return customer. You will not be disappointed.

  2. Jeshelle

    Fantastic product! As a pre-workout in my tea or juice, it gives me amazing energy. My running feels effortless & that I could go for miles. As a post-workout in a beverage, yogurt or smoothie, I have a faster recovery time. I love that it has both MCT oil & is high protein. I appreciate the choice in flavors. Unflavored is great when adding to a fruit/vegetable juice.

    My muscles & joints thank you for coming to their rescue!

    • Patria

      Thank you for your very positive response and supporting H4W collagen protein w/MCT. The additional MCT gives that energy and support in improving your joints and muscles. So glad this is such a great addition to your running and workout routine. Keep Truckin’

  3. Jacob (verified owner)

    This collagen powder is top of the line! I mix a scoop with my coffee in the morning for the extra boost of energy and an increase in focus. In addition, it makes for the perfect post work out recovery in a smoothie. I look forward to my next tub of H4W.

    • Patria

      Thank you for your very positive review. So glad to hear you are enjoying Vitalagen by H4W in multiple ways. Noticing the boost of energy and focus it’s the additional MCT derived from coconut. Your support is greatly appreciated and we’re looking forward to sending your next order.

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